Posters in Parliament is a high profile event that brings together a remarkable collection of the best undergraduate research from across the country. Each year HE institutions from across the UK nominate two of their very best students to present their research to MPs in Westminster. This year the event took place on 11 March 2020 and was hosted by the University of Sussex.
At this year’s event Newcastle College University Centre students, Christopher Haswell (Sport) and Melissa Moodie (Engineering) presented their posters entitled “The effects of radial shockwave therapy on chronic calf muscle strain injuries in runners” and “Trent XWB 84K EP Fan Disc- New Product Introduction into Shotpeen” respectively.

The event was also a fantastic opportunity for Newcastle College to illustrate to the wider Higher Education community the excellent research taking place in College Based Higher Education. Posters in Parliament also provided a fantastic good news story that both Newcastle College and NCG have been able to exploit via social media. On the day itself, Chris Haswell was shortlisted to be judged, a first for Newcastle College, Chris was judged by the panel and they discussed his research with him for over 25 minutes. Both Chris and Melissa were approached by senior members of staff from other institutions. We were very fortunate to have the Newcastle MP Chi Onwaru attend the event and approached both students to discuss their posters and research: this was a fantastic opportunity for both Chris, Melissa and the college to showcase their work.